Monday, October 10, 2011

Taking Up The mantle

Praise the Lord! Today I will start a journey that I have known I would have to take for years but still tried to run from for years. For years I have been involved in many ministries, I've preached, I've taught, fed the homeless, been homeless, worked with addicts and have been an addict. God has invested a lot of time and effort in getting me to this point. I have received many messages from God all concerning the condition of His people. Some I delivered some went undelivered. After years of hearing one of my former pastors words echo in my ears "God has made you a watch man on the wall." Now after years of running and years of affliction I am obeying Gods will and I'm going to share what God has given me to share and also share what it is like to try and live holy in these last and evil days where sex is available for a coke and a smile and getting rich at any cost is the mantra of all the people including the people of God.

I am nobody special other than the fact that my desire is to serve God with all my heart, soul, mind and strenghth and love my wife as Jesus loved the church and gave his life for it. My wife and I have decided to let nothing stand in our way. I look forward to sharing with everyone my journey in Christ and what thus sayeth the Lord. God bless you all.
                                                                                                  Brother Darrell, a watchman

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