Thursday, February 18, 2016


Praise the Lord everybody! I pray everyone is enjoying Gods blessing so far this year. In a year when most of us have been striving to be more obedient and faithful to the Lord than ever before, how many of you like me have already begun struggling to keep yourself on course? I've had a few ups and downs but I am not turning back. I have been called and this is my season. I'm breaking through the ceiling that has been over me keeping me down, I have totally surrendered to God's will for me. It is no longer I who live but it's God living through me.

The other day I was in my "closet" and the Holy Spirit brought this secular song back to my remembrance. I began to softly sing it to myself. It was by a singer I really liked when I was in the world, a singer known as "Meatloaf" It went something Like this, "oh I would do anything for love, yes I would do anything for love: but I won't do that, no I won't do that!"

God began to deal with me about those words. It seems that a lot of us in the body of Christ give our lives to Christ and declare our love for him every Sunday but refuse to give up certain sinful behaviors that our flesh has become obsessed with. just like the rich young ruler in Matthew 19: 19-22. We say we love Jesus and would even die for Him, just as Peter said but like Peter, we fold in the heat of the moment. when He asks us for the thing most dear to our flesh we sound like Meatloaf singing, "I would do anything for love: but I won't do that!"

Jesus states in John 14:21,   21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to him.

Jesus is saying those that have His word in their heart and are obedient to it are the ones who truly love Him and to them, He will make himself known. I want God to be made manifest in my life, I want His power to be manifested in my life, Apart from Him I can do nothing. Whatever God has planned for me I know it requires my all, all my attention, all my love, all my strength and all my mind and soul.

We can't be like Meat Loaf when it comes to following Christ. Christ gave all for us, He was obedient unto death. What if He had said like MeatLoaf, "I won't do that!" We would still be in bondage to sin with no way out. We must be willing to give all just as Jesus did.

           God Bless You All, Brother Darrell, Speaking Off The Wall                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Bro Darrell I'm striving to give God all.However,not so long ago I remember telling God some things I wanted to keep on the back burner because I didn't know if I could function without it but as I continued to trust him I found out I was wrong. Good word