Praise the Lord everybody! because He is worthy to be praised! I think we all know that God does not need a Lawyer for anything because who can accuse or defend The creator of all things, Lord God Almighty, The Alpha and the Omega and The Great I AM. But Man is always looking to engage the services of a lawyer for one reason or another to defend him, fight for his rights or get justice for him. The last place that you should find Lawyers though is in the Body of Christ, I should know because I was one.
The reason I called myself a lawyer was because I could mount a vigorous defensive argument to justify any of my behaviors that were called into question, in other words I was always right in my own eyes. The bible says in Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits.
In my mind I had a good reason to do everything I did and I had the verbal skills to make others come around to my way of thinking or at least create "reasonable doubt". I was my own greatest defense lawyer and I served myself well through High School and College team sports. I was always pleading my case to my coaches. I lawyer'd my way through drug addiction and life until one day I got tired of it all and God touched my heart and said "You are guilty my son" and I broke down and accepted my guilt and asked God to come into my life and change me, I got saved.
I wish I could say that after that I lived happily ever after but I can't. For awhile I served Him, cleaned up my act and went into full time ministry. but After awhile the lawyer in me resurfaced. I knew I was guilty but the number of things I was guilty of began to shrink in my sight as I left full time ministry and went back into the working world resuming my nursing career. I began to see things as the world See's things rather than how God See's them. I began to plead my cases to the Holy Spirit, trying to convince Him and myself mostly why I should be found "Not Guilty" for some transgression I had committed.
One thing I've learned is you can't make a plea deal with the Holy Ghost who's job it is to convict us of sin and lead us into all truth. A lawyer knows the law and his job is to manipulate it to his clients advantage and being my own client that's just what I did. Thanks be to God for a moment of clarity. There is no room in Christ for the "self righteous". The word says in Romans 3:9+10 9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;
10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
God can't use a self righteous vessel. once we realize we are "born in sin and shaped in iniquity" and all our "works are as filthy rags" to God, It's time to realize you can't out talk, think or cross examine the Holy Ghost. I had to humble myself and remember who I was and who God was and is. There is no compromise in living Holy. You can't talk your way around it. So now the only pleading I do is Plead the blood of Jesus and ask God to forgive me of my sins as I repent of and not defend my sins.
No lawyer on earth can justify or erase your sin and get you off the hook, only faith in Christ and true repentance. Next time you want to plead your own case plead the blood of Jesus instead.
God bless you All, Brother Darrell, Speaking Off The Wall