Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cracked Pot or Vessel Of Honour

Praise the Lord! I pray everyone is enjoying God's many blessings. I myself am definitely having a valley experience. I have been held hostage in my apartment for the last eleven days due to disrupted elevator service. I need a hair cut and I have been ready to start back going to church for weeks and now I can't get there. I trust God and I know He knows what He is doing so I accept what God allows.

I was just talking to a good friend of mine in the Lord, Brother Richie, and as we talked I began reflect on my life. When I could work I worked as an R.N. I was a good nurse, not bragging, and I loved what I did. I was on the fast track to being a Director of Nursing and I threw it all away for the life of a crack head. All the time I invested in studying and preparation was wasted. The pain of unfulfilled potential is still with me.
 Then I began to look at myself and my record as a man of God. I began to notice some similarities. God had invested a lot of time in me. He blessed me with many gifts. I had an insatiable desire to study God's word right from the beginning. Within  one year of giving my life to Christ I was in full time ministry and preaching with such authority my pastor asked me if I was a "ringer"he couldn't believe that I had never preached before. Don't get me wrong It was God who was doing all this not me. Even after I ran back to drugs because I was not comfortable with how fast I was being elevated, God was with me molding me and making me until I was finally delivered from drugs for good.

This time around God has brought me along slowly and has used my new affliction as a thorn in my side, just as He did with Apostle Paul in the New Testament. My concern now is that I do not waste this opportunity to be used by God as I did with my nursing career. The stakes are higher now. Lives and souls are on the line. My time is growing shorter, all the trials and tribulations have fulfilled their purpose and God has given me a wife to help me during this part of my journey, She is truly my help mate.

I look at my age and realize this may be the last chance for me to fulfill the promise that God has put in me. I've been to the potters house, I've gone through the crucible and now He is putting me in position.
Don't get me wrong I will always be evolving in Christ, ever learning, ever growing as we all should be doing. 2nd Timothy 2:19-21 states
19Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
20But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
21If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

I dare say I am a vessel of honour, sanctified, ready and prepared for whatever good works the Lord would have for me. This blog is a part of that. God has taken me from cracked pot to vessel of honour. It is not always an easy walk but we all as children of God have our paths to follow but they all end in the same place if we stay on them. If you are going through  something right now just remember it's all part of the process of becoming a vessel of honour.
                                                                  God bless you,
                                                                                Brother Darrell, A Watchman

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