Praise the Lord everybody, for He is worthy to be praised!!! Again I pray everyone is enjoying Gods blessing. My wife and I are experiencing a period of relief right now, we can actually see some light at the end of the tunnel. God is positioning us for what He has planned for us. God has called us to a life of holy obedience. I like to tell people that "God has me on a short leash" I can't get away with the things other "Christians" think they can get away with.
A few days ago I was up at 3am praying and this one scene kept playing in my head, if you've seen the movie "the color purple" you may remember this one scene where Shug Avery (a woman burdened down with all kinds of sin) is walking down the road when her estranged father comes riding along on a horse and buggy, he is a man of God and when he See's her he speeds up and passes her without saying a word. As he passes she yells out "daddy I's married now!" as she holds up her left hand showing off her shiny new wedding ring. She seems so disappointed when he ignores her and continues on. I thought to myself "that's strange" I meditated a little longer and the Lord began to deal with me and gave me this scripture,
Matthew 7:21-23
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity
shug Avery in this scene is like a lot of people I imagine, Think of her father as God, Abba Father, Sugg is estranged from her father just like man, going our own way, doing our own thing, living it up. On one hand, we want to please God and on the other, we don't want to give up our sins, so what do we do? We throw God a bone.
Sugg's bone was she got married, "I's married now!" she screamed, thinking that would make a difference as she continued to drink, party and sing at juke joints and speak Easy's all over the south. Some of us do the same we might start going to church just to get God off our backs as we continue to live in all kinds of sin. We continue in sin thinking everything is going to be alright but one day as we walk down this road we will see our Father and when He turns His back on us we will say just like Sugg "Daddy I's married now!" thinking that just because we did a little something for God that He will stop and recognize us as righteous children.
God is not interested in our little gestures. It's like that one dollar tip we put in the plate on Sundays when we know we can do better. Jesus is interested in a relationship not religious gestures. He wants our love, our obedience, our lives. We can't just throw God a bone and continue to live in sin, lying, stealing, drinking, drugging, fornicating and the rest. God wants our all! not just our fingers.
Stop shouting "I's married now!" as God passes by, give him your all, body, soul and spirit.
God bless you all, Brother Darrell, A watchman
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