Thursday, July 2, 2015


Praise the Lord everybody!! because He alone is worthy to be praised!! I love the Lord, and He is my all and all. My wife and I are learning more and more to accept what God allows and totally trust in the Lord. Right now the going is rough and whatever can go wrong has gone wrong, but what do I know, God IS in charge, He knows best.

As I sit and watch and wait on the Lord I notice that there are  more and more people walking around this country aimlessly, seemingly lost and a lot of them claim to be Christian. The Church is losing it's way and turning aside from the path of Holiness, distracted by the glitter of this world. We are losing sight of the pathways forged by our Church forefathers.

PROVERBS 22: 28 states    28 Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.

It started when This country, which considered itself a God fearing Christian country began changing it's so called "blue laws" in the 60's allowing stores to be open on Sundays and sell beer even on Sunday mornings encouraging people to go shopping or drinking on Sunday mornings instead of  encouraging people to go to Church, which the "blue laws" were created to do. They've taken prayer out of Schools, taken down the Ten commandments in court rooms, taken down Nativity scenes from public displays and are taking "In God we trust" off our money.

Our Church's have lost faith in the power of prayer and the Holy Ghost and are turning to the world for things and ideas to draw the people in to fill their seats. Jesus said in John 12: 32 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
We have to stop lifting up men, concerts, fish fries, the rich and the famous and huge edifices, etc,  which all have their place in fellowship. The time has come for us to lift up Jesus and let the Father send His anointing and draw them in, after all it is the anointing that destroys the yoke.(Isaiah 10:27)

If you want to just draw a crowd of people then give them free anything, but if your trying to save souls give them Jesus and Him crucified. Make our lives living testimonies, become that peculiar people we are called to be. The lost should be flocking to follow us not us following them so that we can both fall in the same ditch.
The old land marks are tried and true and stood our forefathers well and will stand us well till He comes.
                    God Bless You All, Brother Darrell, Speaking Off The Wall

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The old Landmark is like saying go for what you know. Stand your ground Im so glad with Christ I don't have to fear the unknown. god bless you be encouraged to keep writing.