Friday, May 19, 2017


Praise the Lord everybody!! Let everything that has breath praise His holy name. I am loving what the Lord is doing in my life right now. Some of the lessons are painful, but I know God chastens those He loves.

Today I would like to share a little food for thought that the Lord gave me to share with another ministry, and now He wants me to share it with you all. It all started with the following scripture.

              Acts 2:46,47       46) “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the Temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

There is a reason the Christian church is not growing as fast as Islam or other religions throughout the world, and it’s not because there are not enough televangelist, Christian radio stations, missionaries or tent revivals. In some Cities in America, there are two and three churches on one block. We have street preachers, subway evangelist and people who just hand out tracts on street corners. Still, the Christian church is not growing as fast as other religions, especially in the U.S. There is something missing from the Body of Christ, we have forgotten some of the things that gave the church power, things that spurred the Lord to bless the church and to prosper it.

The above scripture from Acts talks about the church being in and continuing in one accord. The power of being in one accord was demonstrated on the day of Pentecost. Jesus told his disciples they would receive power from on high and when they were gathered together in one accord they received that power and went on to shake up the world. The reason Christian Church is no longer shaking up the world is because there is no power in the church anymore, we are no longer in one accord.

 We are separated by doctrine, race and religious rituals. When was the last time neighborhood churches truly fellowshipped together? When was the last time they went out into the field together to work the harvest together? Instead, we look for excuses to put each other down and reasons why we cannot possibly be yoked together with “THEM”. We can’t even come together in one accord in our own “Church clubs”, I call them church clubs because we treat them like private clubs, members only! We pull up in our fancy cars and step over the locals as we enter the house of prayer.

 Once inside we Question Gods authority, the authority God put in place to run the church and bring forth His vision for the church. There are instances of disobedience, backbiting, gossip and sowing seeds of discord. And Gods work gets lost in the mix.

We need to get back to breaking bread together and coming together in one accord for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to serve God and worship him in spirit and in truth. We need to flip the power switch back on so that preachers can preach the full council of God with boldness and without fear. Stop fighting the vision and start embracing your pastors vision because he received it from God. Of course, if your pastor goes off track from the word of God point it out to him, otherwise, follow him as he follows Christ. Reach out to the Churches around you join with them in their labors to bring in the harvest, fellowship, break bread and come together in one accord and watch the power of God Flow.

God, Bless you all. Brother Darrell, Speaking Off The Wall

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