Sunday, May 6, 2012


Praise the Lord! I pray everyone is enjoying God's blessing. I have been truly blessed this past week. I fell a week ago and by God's grace I was not seriously injured just bruised and a little embarrassed. Since the fall God has been using various people to encourage me and let me know that He is still with me. He truly cares for me as He does all His children.

Last night I was asked to give my testimony on a prayer line by a Pastor Thomas who read my blog and contacted me on my Face book page. It was a blessing, I really enjoyed the fellowship and the opportunity to be used by God to bless others, also it was good to know someone was blessed by this blog. I often ask people to leave comments but they never do except once out of forty post. II must say that my pastor has often sent me encouraging e-mails after reading my blog. These last few days I've been feeling kind of lethargic and I have not heard anything from God. I keep praying for God to give me something to write, "speak Lord" I implore but I don't feel that fire, that passion that envelopes me when I'm receiving from His spirit into my spirit. Sometimes God will put you on hold. Throughout the bible we see where the men and women of God at times had to wait humbly on the Lord for answers.

As I sit here waiting for  the fire to fall on me, the enemy is trying to overcome me with the sleepiness, so while I wait on the Lord I am going to have a cup of coffee and re post some thing from October 23rd 2011 that explains how I got here in the first place, called :


Praise the Lord! I pray everyone is having a blessed day. I realized the other day that by starting this blog and for the first time declaring publicly what God declared to me years ago through my pastor and through His word, I might have caused some confusion and skepticism among those who know me because I had never shared it before. By the way, for those that were wondering I did not make it to Deacon Broxtons Home going service. I still feel like I need a little more time to prepare physically for an outing like that. Please keep me in prayer.

I remember the first time I heard it. My pastor came to me about seventeen years ago and told me "God has made you a watchman on the wall." He put me in a chair up front near the pulpit up against the wall where I could see the whole church. At first I didn't get it. I felt like a security guard. I had only been saved about three years at that point and was just getting bearings in my walk with Christ. I knew back in biblical times a watchman was person who stood on the wall surrounding the city at night and kept watch over the city like a soldier on guard duty. For years that's what I did until I left that church a few years later. I didn't think much of it for years until God started to deal with me about it twelve years ago.

First God gave me the scripture Ezekiel 33: 7+8
“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 8 When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for[a] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood." I began to really appreciate the position of Watchman. Still I did not understand what God wanted me to do. Then one day He confirmed to me who I was and what he wanted me to do for Him.
One day while reading Psalms I came across this scripture, Psalm 32:8
8"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye."
That scripture bothered me for weeks maybe months, what did God mean he would guide me with His eye. I tried to picture God looking down from heaven with a beam of light coming from his eyes that would guide my way through life. It didn't make sense to me until one day it opened up to me, God was going to let me see things through his eyes. He was going to give me the ability to see things in this world the way he does. Once I understood what kind of "watchman" He wanted me to be my way of looking at things began to change, I was grieved by much of what I was seeing and I felt even more compassion for lost souls. Yet still I did not know how to use this gift so it could be edifying to the body of Christ. So God began to stir up another gift in me that I had not used in years and that was the ability to write. I discovered the ability to put pen to paper in the the fifth grade when I wrote a short story of fiction about my fifth grade teacher and an imagined affair she was having with another teacher at our school, I would have gotten an "A" too if I had just had sense enough to change the names.
For awhile I was a man with a calling with no way to minister, and then one day God put it on my brothers heart to bless me with a computer and there came my outlet, the Internet. I discovered that I could reach people all over the world. After a few false starts that I chalked up to learning experiences here I am writing under the unction of the Holy Spirit what God is observing concerning the Church especially in America. I plan on being obedient to my calling and going wherever it takes me. The Church is split into many pieces and heading on to dangerous ground. The word says judgement will start with the church FIRST. God has sent me and others like me as lonely voices in the wilderness saying "turn back! before it's to late!" We have abandoned the teachings of living holy and avoiding sin.
Yes I am a flawed vessel but that's what God uses, more important I'm a willing vessel. He takes broken vessels and makes them whole.
I am being constantly upgraded and renovated by God as he seeks to make me the best I can be.
May God bless you all.
Brother Darrell, A Watchman

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